
Customer Testimonials

Very caring and passionate! Checked in with us the whole way gave us her phone number and made sure we knew we could contact at anytime!
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Daniel Nix Avatar
Daniel Nix
Awesome company 10/10 experience. Highly recommend Angie’s team. They are great. Easy to get a hold of and answer any questions no matter how “dumb”. I could text call or email questions and have answers within minutes! New home buyers should really consider using this company. They were great in helping me understand my loan and how the process works !
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drew smith Avatar
drew smith
I had the best experience with this team! Communication was excellent! The whole process was smooth and easy from beginning to end. Fast, friendly, simple mortgage! Highly recommend!
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Laura Rempe McCoy Avatar
Laura Rempe McCoy
Angie and her team are amazing! My fiancé and I switched from a different company to Angie and we are so glad we did. They helped us get a much better price on our closing costs compared to any other company we looked into. Her team is so knowledgeable and very helpful. They had no problem answering our questions at any time of the day. Angie and her team made buying our first house so simple and stress free! They were truly a pleasure to work with and we are so excited to enjoy our new home, thanks to Fairway Independent Mortgage!
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Madeline Smith Avatar
Madeline Smith
Extremely diligent, professional and knowledgeable on updates during the process along with immediate answers to any questions I had. really impressive!
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Tim Ottinger Avatar
Tim Ottinger
We lost our home & everything we owned including our vehicles in the Mar 2023 tornado in Whiteland IN. We were given this lender by a realtor, as we began or search for a new place to live.We were pre-approved & have 3 letters stating same over next 6 months, when we found a home we wanted to make an offer on, I checked the expiration date on our last pre-approval letter and it would expire in 2 weeks & we knew we’d never get the offer submitted & close in that length of time so we called Team Turley/Angie & was passed off to “Angie’s Team” who never returned the call, e-mail or text messages, much less answer the questions. Knowing we’d need current info we gathered up all our paperwork & current pay-stubs etc (since it had been 5 months) & even though they didn’t tell us what we needed to do, we took them to Turley. We knew we needed to to get a new pre-approval & were trying to avoid delays. No one answered our calls, Angie would text with a specific time that she’d contact us, 3X, it NEVER happened. Our realtor tried contacting her for us. We noticed our realtor avoided my questions as to what they were told. I insisted and was told they were told by Angie that we didn’t have “a real” pre-approval and to not show us any more houses. We were upset to say the least & someone else bought the house we wanted. So apparently there were issues, but rather than just telling us that and figure out what we needed to do, there was even less communication from this point on. To be fair our situation was not “the norm”, we had decided 11 years ago (as seniors) to not have any debt, no credit cards etc, we paid for what we needed or saved till we could, vehicles were paid off,we were renting,so rent payments, utilities, gas & groceries & that worked for us for 11 years until a tornado, after finding out renting was more expensive now we decided to buy. But since we had “NO credit” for 11 years we also had no credit score, NOT bad credit, no credit but also NO DEBT. Angie was aware, but at this point we’re not progressing, instead we’re back to square 1. After having to fight with the insurance for our settlement for 5 months, now this. We found another lender & he was great, within a month we were miles ahead of where we were with Angie over 6 months, we thought choosing 1 of the top 10 mortgage lenders was a good thing, IT ABSOLUTELY WAS NOT. We’re back on track, just a shame we wasted so much time with Angie Turley/Fairway. We’re still staying in a room at a relatives, thank goodness for them, we lost out on 3 or 4 really good houses, hoping to find a place soon. BUT NO THANKS TO ANGIE TURLEY/FAIRWAY IMC
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Carolyn king Avatar
Carolyn king